Ice bucket and a stiff scotch

Thank you Simon for nominating me to do the challenge!

l decided a visual spin would add a refreshing change to the whole thing  - give us a view behind that nervous energy pre/post ice bucket. What better way than to enlist friends around the world, that ....l hoped would be game!

So my two fav pals in Ireland (crackerjack if they did it together), an old school friend in Northern Italy who lives on a beautiful lake, and a French chum that is either flying back and forth to Paris, or with his Girlfriend to Hamburg, and numerous fabulous spots in between. Fingers crossed they all take the challenge, give us a smashing view...and of course MOST important - Donate.

Now granted my visual spin didn't quite work out given you cant see the bridge behind me (my eight year old at the video helm) but lm on the Brooklyn Bridge --- Promise!

l donated to ALS and Leukemia - please feel free to make a wee donation also.

Thank you homeless fella for not video bombing - wanting to sift out the bin behind me (who gave me a sweet round of applause post bucket), my production team of elves (itchy and scratchy) .....and my stiff Scotch minutes before.






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