A window into Life coaching anyone .....?
My monthly Guest Speaker Socials are taking on new meaning and beginning to evolve in many exciting ways.
In December we had Holly from http://askhollyhow.com to come chat with us, and what an inspiration she was for many in the group wanting to either start up their own small business, or others who already done so but wanted to move to the next step.
This coming Wednesday we have Shelly MacDonald http://www.apparentlove.com/Welcome.html who bases her parenting workshops on the well know book "How to talk so kids will listen & Listen so kids will talk". She will be here to chat, and have lunch with us all based on the general age group of our children. Leaving us all with some much needed inspiration and advice on how to be more effective parents for our growing ...ever-so-fast nippers.
So what's next moving forward for February.....l'm thinking a Life Coach would be great - what do you think....?
Work - Life - Balance tidbits.