
Summer is on many levels a breath of fresh air. The kids are overwhelmed (in a good way) with freedom to boot, endless sleep-ins for all are top of the itinerary, bathing suits hang constantly on the washing line to dry post sun-drenched days at the beach, bright ice pop stained togs are a frequent, strict bedtimes no longer pose a threat, and Mummy (me) is for the most part feeling relaxed with a brief hiatus from work .....and quality time with my nearest and dearest.

Past years l have found myself grasping at straws -- at a loss to find a constant array of activities to keep the littles amused... and more importantly keep the little bleeders from wringing each others necks..... without breaking the bank.  But this year - *thus far* (fingers crossed) we are having a spanking time, still fast friends, and not stone broke!

The view outside my bedroom...

The view outside my bedroom...

So l wanted to share the pinball moments as we go...... in the hopes maybe some of our hikes, vacation destinations, and spare of the moment jaunts might catch your fancy....or better still make it into your bookmarks for future trip-tastic's of your own.

This past week we drove up-state to a cabin by a lake. One l luckily found on Flipkey.

A total treat, and one that didn't come with the usual hefty price tag. 

The kids spent a good portion of their time in the water, either plummeting into the drink from jetty or dock, or scouting for frogs with buckets/nets in hand. The cabin came with 3 kayaks, 1 canoe, a row boat and paddle boat,  which all were used with great enthusiasm, and added a new skill to boost their sometimes compromised self-esteem. We clapped eyes on only two people (other locals that owned a house on the lake) the whole time we were there, so privacy wise it was incredible. A fabulously stocked chefs kitchen, and plenty of vistas from every window. The dogs paddled to their hearts content, or like the kids also diving for frogs.

We had big plans to head on many hikes, but given the fun we all were having hanging at the was willing to budge from our private little retreat. We did however make it up to "Haystack Mountain" for a lung-buster of a hike, and on the way back to the cottage come across this most amazing swimming hole at the local quarry in West Paulet. A must see..with or without a dip.

Hope you enjoy some of our favorite moments

It really was a super trip, and one l plan to revisit next year with bells on.  

Tomorrow we take off for a couple of weeks to the UK, then return to jet back up to the Adirondacks for another lake adventure further up north close to the Canadian border.  l will be sure to share all the good stuff along the way. 

PS Its good to back on the blog...... 

Happy Trails



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