Brooklyn Botanical gardens annual plant sale
First off... I'm totally lame when it comes to taking photos at the scene. I scold myself after every Plot occasion its warranted. So sadly no snaps of the sale itself.. Which I went to last night. But I did however of my purchases!
What a treat. If not only to take a walk through the cherry orchard checking out all the plants on offer. But the one thing that always sticks in my mind when it comes to plant sales of any kind home or abroad - is the beautiful sense of common ground, people brimming from ear to ear - all garden enthusiasts from complete novice to Percy Thrower (back in the day the most knowledgable gardener on tv in the UK) botanists. We all just love plants, and will talk until the cows come home about them.
I had some wonderful conversations with the most passionate of folk and left the plant sale with not only a nice bundle if herbs and succulents, but experienced an excitable jolt just from simply hanging with all the locals making purchases and swapping our gardening tidbits.
It is open to the public today, as yesterday was members only.
If you have a plot of land (window boxes included) take a drive over there. Even if you have need for nothing... You know better than I, being a gardener and having that immense love for having your hands in the dirt... You will make room for one more plant - if not more
Have fun!