Eggs and Friends - Perfect company

Today l had a full day off.  So l decided to invite six of my friends over for an impromptu brunch.  Don't get me wrong - l have a list as long as my arm of things to get done, but so glad l reached out as now l feel reconnected..... and inspired. Plus they all make me smile, are a good giggle...and never judge!

Sweet Potato Frittata with Walnut/Herb Salad

Sweet Potato Frittata with Walnut/Herb Salad

l chose something easy to prepare/quick clean-up so l had plenty of time to sit and natter, also cheap as chips - friendly on my weekly budget.

Sweet Potato Frittata with Walnut & Herb Salsa

Arugula with sliced pears, avocado, asparagus and apple cider vinaigrette

Homemade gingersnaps with Mocha Ice cream


Next time you have a free morning, or time after the kids get to bed - reach out to your friends. Even if its just buying a bunch of bagels and popping the kettle on, a nice packet of biscuits and your favourite coffee, pinky swear you will meet for a cocktail at least once a month. People are always busy but and your friend/s will be glad you did. 

Go-on, send them an email right now and make a date!

Homemade Gingersnap Ice Cream Sandwiches 

Homemade Gingersnap Ice Cream Sandwiches 

Beth Gibson1 Comment