Prunning Spring Roses.
This is the perfect time to think about getting your secateurs sharpened/oiled and ready for action. By keeping them sharp with prevent any disease entering the stem by having a nice clean cut. If you do get a jaggered edge, just pick another spot and do it again. Also cutting on an angle will ensure any rainwater to run off, and therefor not settle in the newly prunned cut.
Any roses that have reached their glory and are begining to fade away, simply deadhead them by prunning. Take all of the stems back to five leaves. That way you will get a second show of blooms this season. Try keeping the general shape of the bush in good form. You don't want a bad haircut. This is where the standing back routine with a cup of tea in hand comes in handy.
Don't be shy! Your roses will thank you for it.
Prunning as always encourages new growth.
You can't go wrong.
I actually find prunning really therapeutic.